Valentine's Day with Spreadable Bacon

Chocolate has always been the food staple of Valentine’s Day, but we think a change is in order. Nothing against chocolate, of course, but it’s time for something new! So how about we tinker with the idea of introducing, you guessed it, bacon as the official food for Valentine’s Day 2015. Specifically, bacon jam. No, it’s not traditional, but traditional is boring. Bacon jam is fun, exciting, unique and unfailingly enjoyable -- just like that special someone in your life with whom you’ll be spending this special day!

If your significant other is a bacon lover, get him or her The Bacon Jams. And, listen, this doesn’t mean you can’t get chocolate in addition. Everyone gets chocolate. So here’s how you can do both: Mix bacon jam with chocolate. We suggest some bacon jam brownies, with our All Original variety as part of the batter.

For guys: As for flowers, well, is there really any other option aside from chocolate-dipped bacon roses? Might as well slather those with bacon jam, too! Make it a true bacon jam bonanza. (You should probably also get real roses, just so you don’t have to sleep on the couch.)

Be sure to check out the store locator if you want to visit one of our retailers. If you’re not within an easy distance or simply prefer to have the jams sent to your house, order online from our website!

No matter what happens and how you choose to celebrate, from all of us at The Bacon Jams to you: Have a happy, healthy and lovely Valentine’s Day!

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