A Marriage Of Flavors

This past weekend two of my best friends got engaged.  Marriage is one of the most joyous things one can experience and getting engaged is the beginning of this amazing journey for them. To celebrate this announcement they decided to have all of their friends over on Saturday night for finger foods, beer and cocktails.  I knew immediately the best way to usher in this new stage of their lives was to engage their taste buds with The Bacon Jams. I came over a little early and set up all three jars of the different flavors of bacon jams: All Original, Red Chile & Garlic and Black Pepper. 

As the first guests arrived and started to get settled in, they quickly moved on to the snack station. All the essentials were laid out there, pretzels, pita chips and baked lays. In front of them were the three flavors of bacon perfection. The first thing everyone said was, “Wait, what is this?” and “Spreadable bacon? Is it good?” I didn’t need to provide any reassurances as they quickly answered their own questions after their first taste. The comments quickly became, “Oh my God!” and “I need to walk away or I’m going to eat the whole jar”. Luckily I did manage to walk out of there with a little bit left in each jar because a small amount of these jams packs such a strong taste.

The night dwindled down and everyone had their fair share of jams. It was a great night enjoyed with great friends. The buzz over the engagement created excitement in the air that night, but The Bacon Jams was literally on the tip of almost everyone’s tongue. Bacon jam proved to be a great snack to share with great friends to celebrate marriage!

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The 4th of July: Bacon Jams Style

The 4th of July: Bacon Jams Style

Unleash the Flavorful World of TBJ Gourmet's Bacon Jam Varieties: 7 Delicious Ways to Savor Each Unique Flavor!

Unleash the Flavorful World of TBJ Gourmet's Bacon Jam Varieties: 7 Delicious Ways to Savor Each Unique Flavor!

The Bacon Jams: An Origin Story

The Bacon Jams: An Origin Story