Bacon Jam Scuffle at the Airport

We get a message, as one of our friends and customers was going through PHL airport security, enroute to Las Vegas.  He witnessed a woman going to bat to keep her jar of Red Chile & Garlic bacon jam as a carry on to snack with during her flight. After a lengthy confrontation, the TSA agent had the young lady toss her jar into the blue bin, and would not let her advance with it to her flight. If this was you (or if you know of this woman), please contact us as we applaud you for taking it upon yourself to have a proper inflight snack!

Keep on jamming!


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Streets, Blooms, & Beer

Unleash the Flavorful World of TBJ Gourmet's Bacon Jam Varieties: 7 Delicious Ways to Savor Each Unique Flavor!

Unleash the Flavorful World of TBJ Gourmet's Bacon Jam Varieties: 7 Delicious Ways to Savor Each Unique Flavor!

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