We Took Our Bacon Jam To Capitol Hill!

Executive boar, Bruce Kramer, took a trip down to our nation's capital to take part in the 10,000 Small Businesses Sumit sponsored by Goldman Sachs. He along with 2,200 other small businesses met district & state Congress members to speak about small business rights and programs directly affecting business like TBJ Gourmet. Bruce took part in the Small Business Summit with speakers including Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, Tyler Perry, Sara Blakely, and Lloyd Blankfein and even caught some air time on "Morning Joe" on MSNBC? (Bruce is seen at the 3:10 mark)

Here's what Bruce had to say about his experience:

Tell us about the summit?

Over 2200 alumni of the 10,000 small business program from all 50 states met in Washington DC for the first ever small business summit. The roster of speakers included Warren Buffett, Mike Bloomberg, Richard Branson, Sara Blakey, Tyler Perry, and various Congressman & Governors. Everyone of them had a story about how they built their business that was inspiring and illustrative. It was nice to understand we are not the only small business that faces challenges as we grow.

What has your experience been like in 10,000 Small Businesses?

Going through the 10KSB program opened my eyes to to new ways of thinking about our business problems and core focus. I am better equipped to manage the growth and development of our business and take advantage of opportunities as they are presented. 

What was it like to speak to state representatives about small business issues/rights?

Generally we see our elected officials on TV interviews and the news and that is all, but anyone can go visit them in Washington. When they say call or write your Congressman, I saw the people reading the mail and answering the phones. If you want something reach out to your Congressman.

What positives can you take away from your trip to Capitol Hill?

I like many people feel a level of despair when thinking about how dysfunctional Washington is these days. When I met and spoke to individual Senators and Representatives they are sensible, intelligent, and even charming. It is easy to understand how most people think their Congressman is good and all the others are the problem. Hopefully we will start having some agreement and Washington will move forward out of the current gridlock.

What did Michael Bloomberg think about our Bacon Jam?

Mike liked the Black Peppercorn Jam best and thought it would make a nice addition to the Bloomberg cafeteria. 

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