A True Bacon Lover
So I took a weekend off from selling bacon jam and went to Miami with some friends. It was my first time there and it was amazing. Warm weather, great food, and a great mix of people. The first night we went to South Beach to see the legendary Josh Wink at a cool little place called Tree House. We were met there by my friend Conshy Steve’s friend South Beach Steve. Don’t worry, we are getting to the part about bacon! According to South Beach Steve, no one goes out in South Beach until 2am and the bars don't close until 6am. The upside to this insane schedule is that breakfast can be got after partying, but still at the appropriate breakfast time. So, we stop at a bumping breakfast joint, whose name eludes me. The waiter comes to take our order, going to South Beach Steve last.
“5 orders of bacon please,” he says.
The waiter replies, “Thats like 15 pieces of bacon.”
South Beach Steve contemplates this and then asks, “Yeah, I can order more later if I want right?”
“Sure,” says the waiter with a wry grin.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Steve really likes bacon. You should tell him about bacon jam,” Conshy Steve interjected.
“Whats bacon jam?” the other Steve asked.
I told him. We are pretty close friends now.