Kids are the Key
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about sales from working various markets and festivals, it’s this: Always be sure to cater to the kids. They’re likely to wander off from their parents to explore on their own, staying within the confines of the market to remain safe but with enough distance to feel a hint of independence. When those inquisitive youth come upon The Bacon Jams stand, they often stop dead in their tracks and stare in wonder, tacitly begging me to extend an invitation.
“Hey there, you want to try some?” I say as I extend a wooden spoon with a sample of bacon jam on the tip.Those interested in satiating their piqued curiosity will nod yes and walk over, others will shyly giggle and avert their eyes before hurriedly running off, then there are those who purse their lips and turn up their noses to let you know there’s no way they’re opening their mouths. I like the ones who nod yes and walk over, the adventurous leaders of tomorrow eager to let their taste buds explore.
Because, you see, once you get the kids hooked, they’re going to go get their parents and implore them to buy a jar of The Bacon Jams' bacon jam.
“Mom, this is so yummy, you gotta try it and get some!”
“Dad, can we pleeeeeeeeeease buy one?!”
There’s a certain intrinsic delight that results from expanding horizons and introducing people to something they’ve never before experienced. Winning over skeptical adults is essential, but watching kids enjoy bacon jam with a wide smile never gets old. For a second, it doesn’t feel like I’m conducting business. Of course, the pleasure doubles when a parent decides his/her child’s happiness is worth buying a jar of delicious bacon jam to take home.
Kids, they are the key.