Thorn Between Two Roses
Sometimes you get stuck between a rock and a hard place other times you get stuck between two roses.
Eric and I went to Chicago for the Windy City Gift Show a few weeks ago. Big Bad Ed, a truly large man in both stature and personality, drove us down to the airport in the jam van. I told someone that morning that if I was ever a pro golfer Ed would be my caddy. When I was asked to explain I said, "Cause Ed knows more about golf than i do and he's been shot... That's the kind of experience I want in my corner. "
We get to the Philadelphia Airport, check in, clear the TSA, and arrive at our terminal without incident. Eric and I board right after First Class. As we make our way down the aisle in the main cabin, I see the only two passengers seated in the coach section.
They are two almost identical ladies, one sitting in the aisle seat, the other the window of the same row. Imagine Mike Myers as the Coffee Talk Lady but older... much older. Now imagine that he is playing a near identical character, as he is prone to do, and that there is a seat in between them. Keep in mind that every other seat in the plane is empty. Eric turns to me, " I guarantee that's my seat." "It has to be," I agreed. As we got closer it became apparent that fate had indeed placed Eric between these two bubbies. "Hello ladies," Eric said, "I'll be sitting with you today."
"The thorn between two roses," one of them said deadpan. "He certainly is a thorn. Have fun with him ladies," I squeezed out between muffled laughter.
"Do you want to switch seats? At least you know the score here!" Eric half pleaded. "No thanks, I'll roll the dice and pray I get sandwiched between a hot chick and a bacon lover," I said over my shoulder as I got into my middle seat, waiting to see who my travel companions would be. "Well ladies, let's get a few blankets and get cozy," Eric said wryly as he accepted his mission.
Now there had been some fine looking women in the terminal, so part of my bet was reasonable. And sitting next to a bacon lover is almost a given, but after a gorgeous Temple Med student took the window seat and a dude wearing an “I Love Pork Butt” t-shirt took the aisle seat in my row, I knew the travel gods were smiling on me.
The flight landed without a hitch with the exception of some turbulence right before arriving at O'hare, during which Eric's one neighbor started to apply her lipstick in an apparent attempt to mimic Heath Ledger as The Joker. We said our goodbyes to our travel companions and hit the Windy City.Fast Forward... I am not exactly sure what happened in that row during that flight but Eric must have made an impact. Today an email came in from one of the Roses, “We met you on the plane going out to Chicago a couple of weeks ago - you had to sit in the middle of my sister and myself - remember ?? haha
I have told many people about your product and they have all thought it to be a terrific idea and are wondering how to order it to try - when you have a moment - could you possibly let me know this -
I hope your things are going great - and all is well with you. ~KG
WE LOVE WHAT WE DO! National Bacon Appreciation Day is just around the corner...