Good Day Bacon Jam -- Fox29 Philadelphia
Back in January, Jeff ran into local celebrity, Mike Jerrick, at the Philly Home Show. Mike tried The Bacon Jams and loved them. We all thought this was great! When Eric told me last Thursday that I was scheduled to go on Mike's show, Good Day Philadelphia, a mixture of excitement and terror came over me. Eric and I spent the ride home from the MD Bacon Festival in Baltimore role playing and getting the nerves out. But NOTHING could have prepared me for how beautiful Kacie McDonnell was in-person!
While setting up our food presentation, I was starting to get nervous again. Then, Mike Jerrick had a 5 minute conversation with Dr. Oz about flatulence... How could I be nervous after that?!? He and Kacie came over to get set up. "So how do you say your last name?" Mike Jerrick asked me. "or-uh-chef-ski," I said. "Yeah, your just gonna be Mike today!" He replied. And we were LIVE!
The rest was a 4 minute blur where two great personalities did their thing. After we went off-air, Sue Serio came running over to try some bacon jam before the other two could polish it off. "You are my wife's favorite," Eric told Sue. She snaps back with, "your wife is smart!"
The folks there at Fox29 were amazingly friendly and funny. I hope we get invited back!