An Interview with Beastchow
March 14 2016
Beastchow is your online reporting source for everything and anything food related. From videos to articles, Beastchow has you covered. For the past year Beastchow has also had you covered… in The Bacon Jams!

A Marriage Of Flavors
August 23 2015
This past weekend two of my best friends got engaged. Marriage is one of the most joyous things one can experience and getting engaged is the beginning of this amazing journey for them.

The 4th of July: Bacon Jams Style
July 7 2015
The 4th of July is definitely one of the greatest days of the year. A day off work, a time to get together with family and friends and a time to pay homage to our great country.

The Bacon Jams Hustle
March 27 2015
It was the weekend of March 13-15, one that will go down in the history books years from now when the story of The Bacon Jams’ meteoric rise to spreadable success is written.

I Am Your (Bacon Jam) Champion!
March 13 2015
“I am your champion! Look no further!” That was the title of John McGraw’s email. No boring, boilerplate “John McGraw’s Resume.” Note to everyone out there: This is how you grab the attention...

A Bacon Jam Breakfast With POTUS
February 24 2015
I got the call at 1:00 AM on Monday. Yes, one o’clock in the morning. “I heard about your bacon jams, they’re all I’ve been able to think about, came from a booming yet soothing baritone.
Valentine's Day with Spreadable Bacon
February 9 2015
Chocolate has always been the food staple of Valentine’s Day, but we think a change is in order. ...
We're back on QVC!
January 27 2015
Remember our appearance on QVC’s “Gourmet Foods Show” in October? It was a groundbreaking event f...
San Francisco and Beyond | Next... Dallas and Seattle
January 16 2015
It was a three-day whirlwind of great food, drink, people and fun out in San Francisco during th...
Bacon Jammin' in San Francisco | 2015 Winter Fancy Food Show
January 9 2015
This Sunday, January 11, marks the start of the 40th annual three-day Winter Fancy Food Show, pre...
A Bacon Jam New Years
January 8 2015
My house threw a rockin’ New Years party in the Graduate Hospital section of Philadelphia, and Th...
Holiday Wrap-up
January 1 2015
It’s true what they say -- time flies when you’re having fun, and we had tons of fun during the 2...
Last Minute Shopping | Gift Cards Now Available!
December 18 2014
We’re a week away from Christmas, and if you’re like everyone else in the world, you still have s...
Bacon Jam You Say?!? Our First Commercial
December 11 2014
When does a company start believing it’s on the cusp of taking that next step and realizing its d...
Would you like some Bacon Jams with your Black Friday?
November 25 2014
Hey there, everyone! Thanksgiving week is here, and the holiday season is officially kicking off....
SkyMall... Spreadable Bacon... Sampler 3-pack Giveaway!
November 13 2014
If you’ve been on a flight recently and flipped through the SkyMall catalog because it’s right th...